Amit Askiitiansexpert
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear Payal ,
I wont that it is not suitable for gals but it is bit difficult one .. You can check out the activities related to chemical engg..
Chemical engineer works in activities related to chemical production plants like:
1) Basic engineering and detailed engineering of chemical process plants
2) Revamping and troubleshoot existing chemical plants- New plants are not built frequently like the innovations in IT field and the chemical industry is highly conservative. Safety of the operators, safety of the plant people, safety of the civilians/property living nearby has the highest priority. There have been instances that local farmers have beaten up the production manager for polluting their lands.
3) Development of new catalysts, adsorbents ,membranes for separation, process intensification, mass and energy audit and conservation , waste disposal, recycling, effluent treatment, pollution control.
4) Daily Operation, production planning, scheduling and control of oil and gas refineries and units for metals and steel ,bulk chemicals like ammonia ,acids and fertilizers, polymers , pesticide and explosives ,paints,etc. This may require dealing with workers, doing shifts and prolonged exposure to hazardous to health conditions, inflammable or corrosive or toxic or reactive chemicals, noisy conditions that can weaken hearing power, radioactive material exposure. Industries like foods, beverage, medical drugs and detergents also employ chemical engineers.
5) Teaching and research labs-Invention Patent scrutiny and filing, journal article abstracting are also associated with this.
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Askiitians Expert
Amit - IT BHU