
bit mesra is among the top 15 engineering colleges in india according to the various sites that i have checked. But the the rank wise allotment to this college is very moderate (for example the starting rank for electronics and comm engineering is around 10000). Can you specify why?

bit mesra is among the top 15 engineering colleges in india according to the various sites that i have checked. But the the rank wise allotment to this college is very moderate (for example the starting rank for electronics and comm engineering is around 10000). Can you specify why?

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

878 Points
14 years ago

Dear gokul,

BIT Mesra  has been engaged in nurturing minds through a rich heritage of academic excellence. Essentially a hub of bustling student activities, the beautiful campus has been a second-home to thousands of students in their journey to challenge the times.Rank wise allotment is moderate and that depends on various factors say infrastructure,placement opportunies,faculty of that department etc


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