
Write a short notes on cattle farming.

Write a short notes on cattle farming.

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
2 years ago
Our expert is working on this class X maths answer. We will update the answer very soon.
Jayesh Vashishtha
askIITians Faculty 1450 Points
2 years ago
Dear student,
Cattle farming involves rearing and management of two types of animals- one group for food requirements (like in the dairy industry) and another for labour purposes (draught animals). In cattle farming, the animals are maintained in a strictly hygienic manner with proper housing. Milk production can be enhanced by increasing the lactation period (period after the birth of the calf, when cows start producing milk). However, the quality cannot be compromised so, disease-resistant breeds having higher yield are developed (E.g: Jersey etc.). To maintain high yielding and disease resistant variety of cattle, they must be provided with adequate nutrient-rich fodder in a timely and proper manner. Maintaining the food requirements of the animals is also, therefore, a part of cattle farming.
team Askiitians

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