
What is nuclear chemistry? what are alpha,beta,gamma particles. I need the whole chapter definitin in simple words? Please reply as far as possible I am having exam tomorrow

What is nuclear chemistry?
what are alpha,beta,gamma particles.
I need the whole chapter definitin in simple words?
        Please reply as far as possible I am having exam tomorrow


1 Answers

Ashutosh Sharma
askIITians Faculty 181 Points
9 years ago
Nuclear chemistryis the subdiscipline ofchemistrythat is concerned with changes in the nucleus of elements. These changes are the source of radioactivity andnuclearpower.

analpha particlereally is a nucleus - it's the same as the nucleus of a common atom of helium - but it doesn't have any electrons around it, and it's traveling very fast.Alpha particlesare a type of ionizingradiation.

Beta particlesare high-energy, high-speed electrons or positrons emitted by certain types of radioactive nuclei, such as potassium-40. Thebeta particlesemitted are a form of ionizing radiation also known asbetarays. The production ofbeta particlesis termedbetadecay.

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