Flag 9 grade science> What is light microscope ...................
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What is light microscope ......................?............

Divyanshu Darshan , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Priyanshu priyadarshi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

A microscope which uses light to magnify objects .... this is uses in school and colleges.

Scholr Boy

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

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The light microscope, so called because it employs visible light to detect small objects, is probably the most well-known and well-used research tool in biology. Yet, many students and teachers are unaware of the full range of features that are available in light microscopes. Since the cost of an instrument increases with its quality and versatility, the best instruments are, unfortunately, unavailable to most academic programs. However, even the most inexpensive "student" microscopes can provide spectacular views of nature and can enable students to perform some reasonably sophisticated experiments.

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