Flag 9 grade science> The Physics / Chemistry / Biology revisio...
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The Physics / Chemistry / Biology revision notes on the website are for which level....Are they for the IIT JEE exams ? I am looking for study material and question and revision material for ICSE Class 9 & 10

NEELE UJREKAR , 9 Years ago
Grade 9
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

The revision material given on the website are for IIT JEE and other competitive exams.
If we talk about the ICSE course material, for class 9 and 10, we try to make up the material so that it covers all the board syllabus and the pattern related to that. Moreover, the required information and hands on for the competitive exams like Olympiads, etc. has also been included.
You can also refer to the separate manuals and booklets provided by askiitians for the individual classes and chapters.
So, they will be helpful for you..

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