The depth of the earth’s crust is from __ to ____ kms.a) 20-60b) 25-80c) 30-100d) 40-150
Harshit Singh , 3 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
2 Answers
Pawan Prajapati
Last Activity: 3 Years ago
Our expert is working on this Class IX Science answer.
We will update the answer very soon.
Yash Patari
Last Activity: 2 Years ago
The oceanic crust is 5 km (3 mi) to 10 km (6 mi) thick and is composed primarily of basalt, diabase, and gabbro. The continental crust is typically from 30 km (20 mi) to 50 km (30 mi) thick, and it is mostly composed of less dense rocks than is the oceanic crust.
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