
On a rough surface, when does a body have zero force of friction? (A ) When no fo r ce is applied on it . (B ) When large f orce is applied on it. (C ) When t h e body is r olling on the surfa ce . (D ) When t h e body is sliding on the surfa ce.

On a rough surface, when does a body have zero force of


(A ) When no fo r ce is applied on it .

(B ) When large f orce is applied on it.

(C ) When t h e body is r olling on the surfa ce .

(D ) When t h e body is sliding on the surfa ce.

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 36 Points
10 years ago
The answer is (A)

Thanks & Regards
Gaurav Singh
askIITians Faculty

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