
A stone of mass 100g is thrown in water at a place where g=10m/s^2 . Assuming volume of stane being 100cm^3 and initial speed while throwing be 2m/s^2 , Calculate the the distance to which the splash of water rises .

A stone of mass 100g is thrown in water at a place where g=10m/s^2 . Assuming volume of stane being 100cm^3 and initial speed while throwing be 2m/s^2 , Calculate the the distance to which the splash of water rises . 


1 Answers

Mohammed Kasib Siddiqui
119 Points
5 years ago
- n Then evaluate all rhe options and match e Then evaluate all rhe options and match e Then evaluate all the resultant off AB and the lone y our megha megha megha 

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