A stone is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 40 m/s. Taking g = 10 m/s2, find the maximum height reached by the stone. What is the net displacement and the total distance covered by the stone?
Pawan Prajapati , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
Harshit Singh
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
Dear Student
u = 40 m/s g = –10 m/s^2(going against gravity) h = s = ? v = 0 v^2– u^2= 2gs (0)^2– (40)^2= 2 (–10) x s s = –40 x 40 / 2 x –10 s = 80m Net displacement of the stone = 0 (As the stone falls, back to the same point.) Total distance covered by stone = 80 m + 80 m (up)(down) = 160 m
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