
54. Which organism is more complex and evolved among Bacteria, Mushroom and Mango tree. Give reasons.

54. Which organism is more complex and evolved among Bacteria, Mushroom and Mango tree. Give reasons.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
Among these mango tree is the most complex, second most complex is the mushroom, and the bacteria are the least complex. Bacteria are generally having single cell. They are prokaryotic and some of the simplest life forms on the planet (example : bacteria). But mushroom is more complex than the bacteria. Mushroom is heterotrophic, eukaryotic and simple thallophyte with no tissue systems. Mango tree is eukaryotic, autotrophic and multicellular plant. It is an angiosperm in which seeds are produced inside the fruit and flowers are formed. It is a complete plant.

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