
16. Two friends on roller-skates are standing 5 m apart facing each other. One of them throws a ball of 2 kg towards the other, who catches it, how will this activity affect the position of the two? Explain your answer.

16. Two friends on roller-skates are standing 5 m apart facing each other. One of them throws a ball of 2 kg towards the other, who catches it, how will this activity affect the position of the two? Explain your answer.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
Separation between them will increase. Initially the momentum of both of them are zero. In order to conserve the momentum the one who throws the ball would move backward. The second will experience a net force after catching the ball and therefore, will move backwards that is in the direction of the force.

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