
Depreciation on furniture Rs.2,970 was wrongly recorded as Rs2,790. If this error is located after preparation of the final account then which of the following rectification entries is correct? A. Suspense Account Dr. 180 To Profit & Loss Adj. ACCOUNT 180 B. Profit & Loss Adj. Account Dr. 180 To Furniture Account 180 C. Furniture Account Dr. 180 To Profit & Loss Adj. Account 180 D. Profit & loss Adj. Account Dr. 180 To Suspense Account 180

Depreciation on furniture Rs.2,970
was wrongly recorded as Rs2,790.
If this error is located after preparation of the final account then which of the following rectification entries is correct?
A. Suspense Account Dr. 180
To Profit & Loss Adj. ACCOUNT 180

B. Profit & Loss Adj. Account Dr. 180
To Furniture Account 180

C. Furniture Account Dr. 180
To Profit & Loss Adj. Account 180

D. Profit & loss Adj. Account Dr. 180
To Suspense Account 180

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
2 years ago
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