Flag 8 grade science> Why do dry hair stand on when combed with...
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Why do dry hair stand on when combed with a plastic comb ?What kind of charge is acquired by ebonite when rubbed with fur ?What kind of charge is acquired by fur when it is rubbed over ebonite ?What type of charge is borne on clouds facing the earth ?Is dry air a conductor or an insulator ?

Harshit Singh , 3 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Dry hair stand when combed with a plastic comb because they get charged. When rubbed with fur ebonite gets a negative charge. When fur is rubbe^ with ebonite, fur acquires positive charge. Normally, the layers of cloud facing the earth get negatively charged. Dry air is a bad conductor (or insulator) of electricity.

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