Flag 8 grade science> Which of the following is not an example ...
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Which of the following is not an example of Operating System?AWindows 98BBSD UnixCMicrosoft Office XPDRed Hat Linux

sidhart rokad , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Adarsh Pal

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student ,


Microsoft Office XP is not an example of Operating System.
Microsoft Office XP (codenamed Office 10) is an office suite created and distributed by Microsoft for the Windows operating system. ... It is the last version to support Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows ME, as its successor, Office 2003, does not support these operating systems.
Examples of Operating Systems. ... Some examples include versions of Microsoft Windows (like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP), Apple's macOS (formerly OS X), iOS, Chrome OS, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and flavors of the open source operating system Linux.
Microsoft Office XP is a suite—or group—of software programs used in home and office settings to accomplish a variety of computing tasks. The programs included in Office XP are designed to work together, making typical office tasks faster and easier.
Microsoft Office XP is an office suite created and distributed by Microsoft for Windows operating system. Despite the "XP" branding, Office XP does not require Windows XP or higher; rather, "XP" was a marketing term for its era. The component products were packaged together in various suites.

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