Flag 8 grade science> What is the difference b/w petroleum refi...
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What is the difference b/w petroleum refining and fractional distillation of petroleum ?

Raghav Chopra , 7 Years ago
Grade 8
anser 3 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Dear Raghav

Distillation separates crude oil into a variety of groups by boiling them until they vapourise. The vpour is allowed to cool at different temperaturesin a huge tower. At each temperature, a number of hydrocarbons become liquid and separate out. These are called fractions and this process is known as fractional distillation.

Whereas, Separation of various components of petroleum is called refining.



Arun (askIITians forum expert)

Siddharth Singh

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Distillation separates crude oil into a variety of groups by boiling them until they vapourise. The vpour is allowed to cool at different temperaturesin a huge tower. At each temperature, a number of hydrocarbons become liquid and separate out. These are called fractions and this process is known as fractional distillation.

Scholr Boy

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Distillation separates crude oil into a variety of groups by boiling them until they vapourise. The vpour is allowed to cool at different temperaturesin a huge tower. At each temperature, a number of hydrocarbons become liquid and separate out. These are called fractions and this process is known as fractional distillation.

Whereas, Separation of various components of petroleum is called refining.

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