
What is a litmus paper ? What are its uses ? Please help ..... immediately.

What is a litmus paper ? What are its uses ? Please help ..... immediately.


9 Answers

sonika p
129 Points
7 years ago
litmus paper is a filter pa
42 Points
7 years ago
Litmus paper is obtained from lichens.Litmus paper could be blue or red in colour.Red litmus paper is used to check  to whether the substance is alkaline in nature as it does not show any colour changes to acidic substances.Same way blue litmus paper is used to find whether the substance is acidic in nature as it does not show any colour changes to alkaline substances. On contact to an alkaline substance red litmus paper turns blue, the same way  goes to the vice versa.  Basicly litmus paper is  used to find the ph(potential of hydrogen) in chemistry and other fields of science and medicine.
102 Points
7 years ago
Litmus paper is obtained from lichen.Lichen is algae and fungi association and lives symbioticaly.Litmus paper is used to differentiate between acid and Base.It is of two types red Litmus paper and blue Litmus paper. In acid medium blue Litmus changed its colour to red.In basic medium red Litmus paper changed into blue.
105 Points
6 years ago
Litmus paper is prepared from a certain kind of lichens. It gives its characteristic colour in axidic and basic medium. Red in acidic and blue in basic.
17 Points
6 years ago
litmus paper is a paper used to idenitify is a solution acidic or basic in nature. If it turnes red in colour the solution is acidic and if it turns blue in colour the solution is basic in nature.
praveen kumar
144 Points
6 years ago
litmus paper is the paper which is formed by the organic complexes and it is used to detect whether the solution is acidic or basic or neutral.
in  the acidic medium the blue litums paper gives red colour.
in the basic medium the red  litmus give blue colour
in the neutral medium it doesnot change into any color i.e. from blue or red.
thank you
17 Points
6 years ago
litmus paper is a indecator to test whether a substance is acid or basic 
There are two types of litmus paper one is red  and one is blue …..
red litmus changes to blue in basic medium ,,,,
and blue litmus changes to red in acidic solution …......
31 Points
6 years ago
it is an indicator to find whether the solution is a base or acid
hope you understand.........................
Siddharth Singh
100 Points
6 years ago
Litmus paper is a paper formed by organic complexes which is used to identify that a compound is a acid or a base after the reaction takes place

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