Flag 8 grade science> what are antibiotics what pricaution must...
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what are antibiotics what pricaution must be taken while taking antibiotics

shreshth kanaujia , 7 Years ago
Grade 8
anser 4 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Dear Shrestha
Antibiotics are chemicals which prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms present in our body thus helps us to control and cure diseases like typhoid, diptheria, pneumonia and tuberculosis.The precautions should be followed in using antibiotics are-1) We should not take overdose of antibiotics.2) Antibiotics should not be taken with empty stomach. 3) We should complete the dose of antibiotics as advised by a qualified doctor.4) We should take antibiotics only after consulting a doctor.
Arun (askIITians forum expert)

Scholr Boy

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Antibiotics are the chemicals which inhibit the growth of  pathogenic microorganisms in our body thus helps us to control and cure dieseases like, typhoid, diptheria, pnumonia and tuberculosis.The precautions are :-1)We should not take dose of antibiotics.2)Antibiotics should not be taken empty stomach.3)We should complete the dose of antibiotic as advised by the doctor.4)We should take antibiotic only after consulting a doctor.

Sai Soumya

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear Student ,
Antibiotics are the drugs or more specifically , chemical drugs which helps us to prevent the growth of microorganisms or bacteria in our bosy . They help us in curing diseases or even cold and fever . 
We should always consult a doctor before taking anitbiotic . 
Over usage of this should be avioded . 
They should be kept at their required temperature . 
Their use who be according to our body . 

Sai Soumya

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Antibiotics are the drugs used to treat infections because of their low toxicity for human beings and animals . They destroy the growth of microorganisms . 
Antibiotic refers to a substance produced wholly or partly by chemical synthesis which in low concentration inhibits the growth of microorganisms.

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