
Name the following: i ) the catalyst that speeds up the the evolution of O2 from H2O2 ii ) the process which separates the different constitutes of crude oil

Name the following: i ) the catalyst that speeds up the the evolution of O2 from H2O2  ii ) the process which separates the different constitutes of crude oil


1 Answers

Aarti Gupta
askIITians Faculty 300 Points
9 years ago
1.The substance that alters the speed of the reaction but doesn’t take part in the reaction is called as catalyst.It is observed that decomposition of H2O2 to form water and oxygen occurs at room temperature in the presence of manganese dioxide(MnO2).Here the MnO2 act as the catalyst increasing the speed of the reaction and make the reaction to take place at room temperature.
2.Crude oil is a mixture of different componenets like methane,butane,napthalene,ethylene etc.All such componenets can be separated by the process named as fractional distillation which is based on the principle that each component in a mixture boils at a different temperature and start separating on the basis of their different boiling points.

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