
difference between plant cell and animal cell explain also diagram

difference between plant cell and animal cell explain also diagram


3 Answers

inika kathait
15 Points
4 years ago

1 there is no cell wall and the cell  is extreamly limited by the plasma membrane 

2 plastids are absent 
3 crystals are usually absent
inika kathait
15 Points
4 years ago
1. a large cell vacule lies in the center 
2. plastids are present
3. crystals are usually present
​4. centrosme are usually absent
550 Points
4 years ago
dear friend
simply for u the answer is
The Plant Cells are usually larger, which has fixed and rectangular shape, while animal cells are comparatively smaller in size, irregular and round. ... The nucleus is present in both the cells, but in Plant cell it lies on one side while it is present in the center of the Animal cell.
thank u

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