
A person sleeping in a closed room with burning coal, feels suffocated after sometime. Why ?

A person sleeping in a closed room with burning coal, feels suffocated after sometime. Why ?

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
In a closed room, carbon monoxide is produced which is a poisonous gas.
13 Points
3 years ago
wefrtghjmkjhgdeswasdngfdswdfm ngfdsaasdcfvb vxdsatredeerftr4efvcdswwergnrgnhgtrefgnhwdfm ngfdsaasdcfvb vxdsatredeerftr4efvcdswwergnrgnhgtrefgnhwdfm ngfdsaasdcfvb vxdsatredeerftr4efvcdswwergnrgnhgtrefgnhwdfm ngfdsaasdcfvb vxdsatredeerftr4efvcdswwergnrgnhgtrefgnhwdfm ngfdsaasdcfvb vxdsatredeerftr4efvcdswwergnrgnhgtrefgnh
13 Points
3 years ago
In a closed room , there is limited supply of air. When coal is burnt in limited supply of air, carbon monoxide gas is produced which is poisonous and causes suffocation when inhaled. Due to this, a person sleeping in a closed room with burning coal feels suffocated after some time.

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