Flag 8 grade science> 1) A copper spoon had fallen into a conta...
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1) A copper spoon had fallen into a container containing dil.HCl. What would happen to it in three days time ? [DAV2008] 2) Give reasons for the following : a) Metals are used for making bells. b) We can’t use pure gold to make jewellery. 3) A metal ribbon bums in air with bright white light and forms a white powder. a) Which metal is this ? b) Give the equation of the reaction taking place. c) The metallic oxide formed would be acidic or basic in nature ?

Harshit Singh , 3 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

1) Nothing will happen as copper does not react with hydrochloric acid. 2) a) Metals have the property of sonorosity so they are used for making bells. b) Pure gold cannot be used for making jewellery because it is very soft. 3) a) Magnesium. b) 2Mg + O2 ——> 2MgO c) Basic in nature.

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