
Please explain the meaning of this para. Expain quickly plaese dont dissaprove I want to understand because tommorow is exam. A power is the product of multiplying a number by itself. Usually, a power is represented with a base number and an exponent . The base number tells what number is being multiplied. The exponent , a small number written above and to the right of the base number, tells how many times the base number is being multiplied.

Please explain the meaning of this para. Expain quickly plaese dont dissaprove I want to understand because tommorow is exam.
A power is the product of multiplying a number by itself. Usually, a power is represented with a base number and an exponent. The base number tells what number is being multiplied. The exponent, a small number written above and to the right of the base number, tells how many times the base number is being multiplied.


2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 23 Points
8 years ago
According to the paragraph given,

24= 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
In the above example, 2 is the base and 4 is the power or exponent. As the power is 4, that means 2 multplies by itself 4 times ,i.e., 2 x 2 x 2 x 2.
Prabhakar ch
577 Points
8 years ago
I can tell an example for this doubt
ab= a*a*a*a*a......... b times
In the above example, a is the base and b is the power or exponent. As the power is b, that means a multplies by itself b times ,i.e., axaxaxa............... btimes.

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