Flag 8 grade maths> If 9 men and 15 boys working 10 hours a d...
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If 9 men and 15 boys working 10 hours a day can make 12 pillars in 42 days, in how many days will 12 men and 22 boys working 8 hours a day can make pillars 4 times the previous number?

Arindam Chakraborty , 6 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Sayantan Garai

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Calculate part of work done by each person each day. Calculate total part of work done in one part of time (in this case one day) by the total no. of persons. Then find out time required for 1 (whole) part of the work.[In this numerical, you have to calculate 4 part (as the question is 4 times).]
This process is applicable for most numericals of this type.

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