
How many cubic cm of iron are there in an open box whose external dimensions are 36cm, 25 cm and 16.5 cm. the iron being 1.5 cm thick throughout. If 1 cubic cm of iron weighs 15g, find the weight of the empty box in Kgs

How many cubic cm of iron are there in an open box whose external dimensions are 36cm, 25 cm and 16.5 cm. the iron being 1.5 cm thick throughout. If 1 cubic cm of iron weighs 15g, find the weight of the empty box in Kgs


1 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
9 years ago
Volume of cube is = 36*25*16.5 = 14850 cm3.
1 cc = 15 grams
so 14850 cc = ? grams

Now use unity method
weight of iron = 14850*0.015Kg = 222.75 Kg

I hope its clear

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