Flag 8 grade maths> For which of these would you use a histog...
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For which of these would you use a histogram to show the data: (a) The number of letters for different areas in a postman’s bag. (b) The height of competitors in an athletics meet. (c) The number cassettes produced by 5 companies. (d) The number of passengers boarding trains from 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. at a station. Give reason for each.

Pawan Prajapati , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Harshit Singh

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear Student

We know that Histogram is a graphical representation of data if the data represented using class- interval.
Since the cases mentioned in options (b) and (d) can be divided into class intervals, histogram can be used to show the data.
Similarly, since the cases mentioned in options (a) and (c) cannot be divided into class intervals, histogram cannot be used to represent the data.


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