Flag 8 grade maths> A milkman sold two of his buffaloes for ₹...
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A milkman sold two of his buffaloes for ₹ 20,000 each. On one he made a gain of 5% and on the other a loss of 10%. Find his overall gain or loss. (Hint: Find CP of each) 

Pawan Prajapati , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Harshit Singh

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear Student

S.P. of each buffalo =₹20000
The milkman made a gain of 5% while selling one buffalo.
This means if C.P. is₹100, then S.P. is₹105.
C.P. of one buffalo =100/105 × 20000
Also, the second buffalo was sold at a loss of 10%.
This means if C.P. is₹100, then S.P. is₹90.
∴C.P. of other buffalo =100/90 × 20000
Total C.P. =₹19047.62 +₹22222.22 =₹41269.84
Total S.P. =₹20000 +₹20000 =₹40000 Loss =₹ 41269.84 − ₹40000 =₹1269.84
∴ The overall loss of milkman was₹1,269.84


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