
Why do we gat instant energy from glucose........................

Why do we gat instant energy from glucose........................


4 Answers

123 Points
7 years ago
glucose is easy to dissolve in blood. therefore it does not need to be dissolved like other carohydrates and thus provides instant energy. 
67 Points
6 years ago
It is so, because food what we eat will be converted to glucose then it will mix with blood to give energy, but if we take directly glucose it will help us to get instant energy..
Siddharth Singh
100 Points
6 years ago
Because glucose is a carbohydrate and it easily breakdown to make our body energetic and is a energy gainer
111 Points
5 years ago
Glucose is the simplest form of carbohydrate so it is not digested.It is direct absorbed by our body.That’s why we get instant energy from  glucose.

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