
Q.8.Describe the various ways by which seeds are dispersed.

Q.8.Describe the various ways by which seeds are dispersed.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
Following are the ways in which the seeds are dispersed: (i) Some light seeds like that of madar, which are hairy, dry and small are carried away by the wind to different places. (ii) Spiny seeds and fruits like that of xanthium and urena, stick to the clothes of passers by and animals. These seeds are carried away by these agents to different places. (iii) In some plants having heavy seeds like that of coconut, water acts as the dispersing agents. (iv) Some seeds are dispersed with the fruit burst like in case of balsam and castor.

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