
What is sexWhy does we perform it Why everyone gets socked by listening this word What is the reason

What is sexWhy does we perform it Why everyone gets socked by listening this word What is the reason


2 Answers

Aabid Hussain
askIITians Faculty 576 Points
7 years ago
Dear Binu,

In life processes we have one important task to perform and that is to continue the race of life. Sex is the act of producing a comy of the individual. There are just two instinct for which every organism works: To fill his empty stomach and continue their race. These two instinct give pleasure to the organism which is actually in case of human is somthing shameful. That’s the reason why people give weired look when they come through these words.

Hope i answered your question
27 Points
6 years ago
Dear Binu,In life processes we have one important task to perform and that is to continue the race of life. Sex is the act of producing a comy of the individual. There are just two instinct for which every organism works: To fill his empty stomach and continue their race. These two instinct give pleasure to the organism which is actually in case of human is somthing shameful. That’s the reason why people give weired look when they come through these words.Hope i answered your questio

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