
Whaa kind of change occurs when a pot is made of clay

Whaa kind of change occurs when a pot is made of clay


3 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Dear Saif

Potter shaping clay to make pots - Reversible change.

This is because it is still possible to mould back the pot into its first form as clay and there is no new products formed.

Baking pots in oven - Irreversible change.

This is because it is not possible to change back the baked pot into the raw one.If we try to do it,the pot would break up into pieces,which cannot be reversed.



Arun (askIITians forum expert)

Sai Soumya
99 Points
5 years ago
Dear Student ,
when a pot is converted to clay , the change which occurs is called ‘Reversible change ‘ , because the clay can again be moulded into pot , and the process will continue .
Sayantan Garai
117 Points
5 years ago
I guess the answer is physical change.

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