
Two characteristics of the non living which is similar to two characteristics of living being

Two characteristics of the non living which is similar to two characteristics of living being 


2 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Car is an example of a non-living thing that shows two characteristics of living things. A car can move from one place to another. Also, it requires energy just like living things.
A mobile phone is such an example because it requires energy to work and also stores information. humans also also store information in their brains and also need energy to work.
49 Points
5 years ago
The non living thing which possess the characteristics of human beings is cloud.
*living organisms can move from one place to another. Clouds, though non living can move from one place to another.
*Living organisms are made up of cells and clouds, though non living things are made up of water molecules.
*Living organisms involve metabolic reactions and Clouds, though non living undergo some energy reactions due to electric charges present in them.

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