Flag 6 grade science> List out the activities that we perform i...
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List out the activities that we perform in our daily life
That consume water

Siddharth , 5 Years ago
Grade 6
anser 3 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
It helps in cooling down our body and regulates the body temperature.
Aids digestion.
Daily activities like cooking, bathing, washing clothes, vehicles,pets, utensils and watering plants.
Water sports.Swimming, boating, fishing, white water rafting,etc.
Hydropower generation.


Last Activity: 5 Years ago

There are a lot of activities we do in our daily life that uses water. This include:
A. Drinking. Life cannot be sustained without drinking
B. Food is cooked using water
C. Goods are transported in a mode of transport like boats, ships, yachts which use this water as a means of transportation.
D. Water is used for cleaning of utensils, automobiles and also for cleaning our own body.
E. Water is also used as a coolant in many gadgets


Last Activity: 4 Years ago

every thing you does as work consumes water even if you are sleeping watching tv etc

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