Flag 6 grade science> Cooking results in loss of certain nutrie...
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 Cooking results in loss of certain nutrients.justify and give four such examples

aryan , 7 Years ago
Grade 6
anser 3 Answers
Ritika Das

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Vitamin C is an important nutrient which easily gets destroyed upon cooking. So we should take care not to cook fruits that often, and avoid overcooking vegetables like broccoli, a staggering 34% loss due to steaming and boiling. Pressure cooked and microwaved eatables should be preferred as 90% of the nutrients are retained. 
Proteins from pulses, vitamin B from potatoes and Vitamin E from animal fat follow the same pattern.

Ayush Anand

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

When cooking you burn many vital food nutrients . Overcooking kills those essential nutrients.Also washing vegetables before cooking also leads to washage of many iberals with water.Proteins from pulsesalso get easily destroyed one excess heat.Food containing Vitamin B from potatoes also get easily destroyed .Also cooking food in microwave introduces harmful microwave waves that harm food nutrients.

Scholr Boy

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

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When cooking you burn many vital food nutrients . Overcooking kills those essential nutrients.Also washing vegetables before cooking also leads to washage of many iberals with water.Proteins from pulsesalso get easily destroyed one excess heat.Food containing Vitamin B from potatoes also get easily destroyed .Also cooking food in microwave introduces harmful microwave waves that harm food nutrients.

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