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(a) Collect different kinds of packaging material. What was the purpose for which each one was used? Discuss in groups.

(b) Give an example in which packaging could have been reduced?

(c) Write a story on how packaging increases the amount of garbage.

Kevin Nash , 11 Years ago
Grade upto college level
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

(a) We use different packaging materials. The most common ones are -

1. Plastic - used for shopping bags

2. Cardboard - to make cartons for shoes, toys, clothes, etc

3. wooden boxes - for packaging fruits, delicate items etc

(b) Plastics should be avoided as much as possible since it is non-biodegradable and unsafe for environment.

(c) Packaging should ideally be done to keep the goods safe and protect them from tampering. These days packaging is also done to beautify the goods and add value.Large volume of packaging is thrown into dustbins and goes as waste once the product is out, thus increasing garbage.

Thanks & Regards,

Dinesh Sajnani

askIITians faculty


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

  1. polythene bags, wooden boxes, plastic boxes, paper etc
  2. select degradableand eco friendly materials for packing.
  3. A package provides protection, tampering resistance, and special physical, chemical, or biological needs.

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