
How are clouds formed?

How are clouds formed?


10 Answers

askIITians Faculty 33 Points
9 years ago
Clouds are formed when warm and moist air rises up, cools and then expands in the atmosphere. The water vapor in the air condenses to form tiny water droplets which form the basis of clouds.

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Dinesh Sajnani
AskIITians Faculty
733 Points
8 years ago
When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud.
13 Points
5 years ago
When the sunlight falls on the water surrounded in it turns the water into vapor and it floats in the air  and going on it turns to water droplets . This is because of condensation and it collects in large amount and forms a cloud
Sai Soumya
99 Points
5 years ago
Clouds get formed when the water from the surfaces gets evaporated and becomes water droplets . This small water droplets come together , and form big water droplets which in turn , becomes cloud . 
15 Points
5 years ago
Water from water bodies such as ponds,river ,lake etc change into water vapour due to sun head. These vapour are warm &, they move up with air,at creatin height where the temperature is ior these vapour continuous to form water deposits and flit in air and appear as cloud
13 Points
5 years ago
A cloud is a collection of water droplets.The water gets added into the air by process of evaporation taking place in the rivers,oceans,ponds etc.These water vapour rises up along the air .when the air moves up,it gets cooler and cooler.At sufficient height it became so cool that the water vapour presents in it condences to form tiny droplets.
15 Points
5 years ago
When water bodies are heated during the day a large amount of water evaporates And goes into air. Some amount of water vapour also get into the atmosphere because of biological activities. This air also gets heated . The hot air rises up carrying the water vapour with it.As the air rises its expands and cools. This cooling causes the water vapour in the air to condense in the form of tiny droplet. The formation of water droplet leads to the formation of clouds
nishant narkar
102 Points
5 years ago

When the sun shines over rivers, lakes and oceans of the world it heats up the surface of the water. The water turns into gaseous water vapour on being heated and begins to rise into the air. As it goes higher, the water vapour begins to cool down and turns back into water droplets. The temperature at which water condenses is called the dew point. The dew point is not a constant because it depends on the amount of water present in the air.

These water droplets in clouds are so tiny that they hang suspended high up in the earth’s atmosphere. Over a period of time condensed water vapour accumulates to form clouds. The water droplets higher up in the cloud are colder than the droplets below to the extent that some parts of a cloud can even contain small bits of ice. After a while the cloud becomes heavy with water .please upvote

droplets and gravity brings the water droplets back down as rain. 

15 Points
5 years ago
Formation of clouds: 
The water vapour is present in the air and rises up along with the air. As the air moves up it gets cooler. At a greater heights, the air becomes cool that the water vapour present in it condenses to form small water droplets. These water droplets of water remains in the air. The small water droplets combine to form large water droplets and appear as clouds. 
49 Points
5 years ago

Clouds form from water in the sky. The water may evaporate from the ground or move from other areas. Water vapor is always in the sky in some amount but is invisible. Clouds form when an area of air becomes cooler until the water vapor there condenses to liquid form. At that point, the air is said to be "saturated" with water vapor. The air where the cloud forms must be cool enough for the water vapor to condense. The water will condense around things like dust, ice or sea salt - all known as condensation nuclei. The temperature, wind and other conditions where a cloud forms determine what type of cloud it will be.


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