
Write the similarities and differences between the motion of a bicycle and a ceiling fan that has been switched on.

Write the similarities and differences between the motion of a bicycle and a ceiling fan that has been switched on.


3 Answers

askIITians Faculty 33 Points
10 years ago
Similarity is - The wheel of bicycle as well as the blades of ceiling fan move in circular motion.
Difference - The motion if bike itself in rectilinear as it covers a certain distance along a straight line

Thanks & Regards,
Dinesh Sajnani
AskIITians Faculty
surahree sarkar
11 Points
7 years ago
The cycle and both the ceiling fan moves in a circular motion but the cycle moves straight but fan moves only circular.
111 Points
6 years ago
  1. The centre of the wheel of the bicycle and celing fan execute a rotatary motion.
b.The blades of a fan and the rim of the wheel are in circular motion.
  1. Bicycle changes its position while exhibiting circular motion, while the fan is fixed at one point.
  2. Bicycle can execute rectillnear motion, but celing fan does not.

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