
Write the names of the parts of a flower.

Write the names of the parts of a flower.

Grade:upto college level

4 Answers

Hrishant Goswami
343 Points
10 years ago

A flower consists of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. A stamen has two parts called the anther and the filament. A pistil has three parts called the stigma, style, and ovary.

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A flower showing all its parts

733 Points
9 years ago
The parts of a flower are sepals, petals, stamens and pistil.
Ritika Das
105 Points
7 years ago
The different parts of a flower are stamens, pistil , sepals , petals, consisting of the stigma, style, filament ,ovary ( with ovules) and anther . 
111 Points
6 years ago
The parts of a flower are sepalsn , petals, stamens, and pistil. Stamen have 2 parts =Filament and Anther, pistil have 3 parts = Stigma , Style , Ovary

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