
How would you obtain clear water from a sample of muddy water?

How would you obtain clear water from a sample of muddy water?


12 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
11 years ago

Clear water can be obtained from a sample of muddy water by the method of filtration. In this method, the sample of muddy water is poured through a cloth having fine pores or through a filter paper. Water will pass through the filtering medium, leaving behind the mud.

Saloni Rakholiya
104 Points
9 years ago
yes using filter paper or by sedmentation and decantation
733 Points
9 years ago
filteration seperates gangue from water
Harshit Panwar
108 Points
7 years ago
First sedimentation.
Then filtration by filter paper to obtain pure enough water from a sample of muddy water.
105 Points
6 years ago
I would use processes like1.sedimentation and after that decantation2.filtration.
111 Points
6 years ago
First the muddy water will be allowed to stand for sedimentation and the clear liquid will be decanted. After this Filteration will be done.
Method:- Take a filter paper and fold it in the form of care and fix it inside the funnel. Pour muddy water slowly in the funnel. Water that pasess through the pores of the filter paper becomes clear and the fine mud particles will remain as a residue on the filter paper.
Varsha Shivanand K
56 Points
6 years ago
Clear water can be obtained from a sample of muddy water by the following processes:-(1) Keep the water undisturbed in a beaker for some time. The heavier particles (sediments) settles down. (By process of sedimentation). (2) Pour the clear water into another beaker. (By the process of decantation). Sedimentation and decantation is done to remove larger particles of solid impurities. The process of loading can be used to help the sediments to settle faster in water. Alum is added to water for separating smaller particles. (3) The water is then passed through muslin cloth or sand filters to remove insoluble particles.
Kushal Chaudhari
102 Points
6 years ago
You could get  clear water by passing muddy water through filter paper using a funnel. Also you can try sedimentation process followed by filteration.
Ludicrous Lunatic
53 Points
6 years ago
You can use a filter paper or sedimentation and decantation.  You can also try sedimentation followed by filtration.
14 Points
6 years ago
Using filtration or sedimentation and decantaion we can separate mud from muddy water. Loading can be used for faster sedimentation 
Scholr Boy
87 Points
6 years ago
Clear water can be obtained from a sample of muddy water by the method of filtration. In this method, the sample of muddy water is poured through a cloth having fine pores or through a filter paper. Water will pass through the filtering medium, leaving behind the mud.
111 Points
6 years ago
First the muddy water will be allowed to stand for sedimentation and the clear liquid will be decanted. After this Filteration will be done.
Method:- Take a filter paper and fold it in the form of care and fix it inside the funnel. Pour muddy water slowly in the funnel. Water that pasess through the pores of the filter paper becomes clear and the fine mud particles will remain as a residue on the filter paper.

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