Flag 6 grade science> 2. What type of motion do the following o...
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2. What type of motion do the following objects have?(a) the galloping of a horse(b) the needle of a sewing machine(c) the movements of a mosquito(d) the blades of an electric fan(e) the smoke from a lighted dhoopbatti(f) wheels of moving car.

Harshit Singh , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

(a) The galloping of a horse: Linear motion. (b) The needle of a sewing machine: Periodic motion. (c) Movement of a mosquito: Random motion. (d) Blade of an electric fan: Circular motion. (e) The smoke from a lighted dhoopbatti: Random motion. (f) Wheels of moving car: Linear motion and Rotational motion.

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