The distance of the image of a point (or an object) from the line of symmetry (mirror) is ________ as that of the point (object) from the line (mirror).
Pawan Prajapati , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
3 Answers
Harshit Singh
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
Dear Student
The distance of the image of a point (or an object) from the line of symmetry (mirror) is same as that of the point (object) from the line (mirror).
Roopam sharma
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
Dear student
The distance of the image of a point (or an object) from the line of symmetry(mirror) is same as the object from the line.
Shraddha Singh
Last Activity: 3 Years ago
Dear Student,
The distance of the image of a point (or an object) from the line of symmetry is same as the object from the line.
Hope it helps!
Thank you
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