Flag 6 grade maths> Hi My ddaughter want to prepare for Olymp...
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Hi My ddaughter want to prepare for Olympiad maths and science grade 6 . .can you help her..by any notes or online courses..

Sunita Pandey , 8 Years ago
Grade 6
anser 2 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

@ sunita 
if your daughter are in class 6th then join her in askiitian , i could recommened askiitian course for sure . 
they have foundation live which helps u to gain the besics cleared , and also it will help her in the upcoming jee and pmt like entrance exam . 
so, join her in askiitian and take the class 6th self study course . in olympioad generally mental ability and maths foundation question are asked . so, if she have besics at right place then she can solve it . |
for more details abt the package , contact the askiitian support team . 
and u can take books from mtg publication , they are best for olympid . 

Shreyas Patil

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

 could recommened askiitian course for sure . 
they have foundation live which helps u to gain the besics cleared , and also it will help her in the upcoming jee and pmt like entrance exam . 
so, join her in askiitian and take the class 6th self study course . in olympioad generally mental ability and maths foundation question are asked . so, if she have besics at right place then she can solve it . |
for more details abt the package , contact the askiitian support team . 
and u can take books from mtg publication , they are best for olympid . 

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