
What is the highest, total resistance that can be secured by combinations of four coils of resistance 4 Ω , 8 Ω , 12 Ω , 24 Ω?

What is the highest,   total resistance that can be secured by combinations of four coils of resistance 4 Ω , 8 Ω , 12 Ω , 24 Ω?


1 Answers

Harshit Singh
askIITians Faculty 5963 Points
3 years ago
Dear Student

The highest resistance is when the resistances are connected in series:
R1 = 4 ohmR2 = 8 ohm
R3 = 12 ohmR4 = 24 ohm
Total resistance in series = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4
= 4 + 8 + 12 + 24
= 48 ohm
Thus, highest resistance is 48 ohm.


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