Flag 10 grade science> What are the ways to measure water pollut...
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What are the ways to measure water pollution ??Explain briefly.

Syed Saif , 8 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers
Dr.Adam Shaik

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Several parameters to meaasure to analyse the water pollution.
Physical and Chemical properties of water changes during water pollution mainly.
Cheical measure: pH; Presence of hardness,taste, odour (smell) are the chemical changes that be measure in it.
Physical: change in its colour,Turbidity ( the clear ness), prticles in it are the physical things.
We can also identify the water pollution by the change in number of water living organisms.
The less the organisms living more is the water pollution.
For example coral reefs are used these days as indicatorsto measure the water pollution.

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