Flag 10 grade science> Respected sir/madam , I am currently in 1...
question mark

Respected sir/madam , I am currently in 10 class in icse board. I would like to know that in reality , do some questions from past icse 10 board examinations get repeated or not . Every site / many people say to learn past year’s question papers . I understand that we will get an idea as how the paper is , but do questions really get repeated. The council(Cisce.org) also has some model guess papers . Do questions come from there to .please guide .   Waiting for reply   Regards – sahil agarwal (student of class 10 icse

Sahil Agarwal , 8 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

dear sahil 
yes , questions do get repeated from the previous year papers , so, u have to do that , there is no other alternatives , and about the model paper , thats fro the pattern only , question will not repeat from their , but we cannot predict the mood of the examinet at any point of time . 
so, at least take 1 of the model paper and do it , and previous year paper are compulsory . 

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