
Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture-proof container. Explain why?

Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture-proof container. Explain why?


2 Answers

Harshit Singh
askIITians Faculty 5963 Points
3 years ago
Dear Student

Plaster of Paris reacts with moisture/water to form gypsum.

100 Points
3 years ago
plaster of paris is stored in moisture proof container because when it react with 3/2 molecule of water then it form gypsum

here is equation that show reaction between Plaster Of Paris and water.

CaSO4 .1/2 H2O + 3 /2H2O ==> CaSO4 .2H20

whenever plaster of paris is exposed to air it take 3 by 2 molecules of water and form gypsum.
due to formation of gypsum salt the Plaster of Paris is going hard.
so to prevent it from getting hard it should be kept in moisture proof container not in exposed air .

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