
In thermite welding a mixture of …… and …… is ignited with a burning magnesium ribbon which produces molten iron metal as large amount of heat is evolved. (a) iron (III) oxide and aluminium powder (b) iron (II) oxide and aluminium powder (c) iron (III) chloride and aluminium powder (d) iron (III) sulphate and aluminium powder

In thermite welding a mixture of …… and …… is ignited with a burning magnesium ribbon which produces molten iron metal as large amount of heat is evolved.
(a) iron (III) oxide and aluminium powder
(b) iron (II) oxide and aluminium powder
(c) iron (III) chloride and aluminium powder
(d) iron (III) sulphate and aluminium powder

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
Answer: a

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