Flag 10 grade science> explain the need of chemical communicatio...
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explain the need of chemical communication in multicellular organisms

Aiden Mathew Denny , 7 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers
IHate Ppts

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Let me give you an answer in Layman terms, dont write this answer if asked in exam, but understand the concept and write it in your words.Chemical communication is THE only way of communication in any multicellular organism. So, for metabolic activities to take place, it is the action of chemical messengers that help to carry them. You probably know that the distance between neurons (called synapse) is filled with neurotransmitters, some chemicals which relay the electric impulse from one neuron to the other. So for ANY activity, growth, metabolism, reproduction, hormone release etc there is a DEFINITE need of these chemicals called neurotransmitters without which the job cant be completed.

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