
An ice cube of volume 0.03 metre cube floats on water. The density of ice and water are 900 kg per metre cube and thousand kg per metre cube. What fraction of the volume of the ice would be in air? What would be the height of the ice cube in air if its total height is 0.2m? Can you provide the solution with proper explanation?

An ice cube of volume 0.03 metre cube floats on water. The density of ice and water are 900 kg per metre cube and thousand kg per metre cube. What fraction of the volume of the ice would be in air? What would be the height of the ice cube in air if its total height is 0.2m?
Can you provide the solution with proper explanation?


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Dear student

the concept used is as given below

Thus, the volume of ice inside water=volume of water displaced=(1−f)V
Under equilibrium,
Weight of ice=Weight of water displaced


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