
1 what is the diff bet arteries and veins 2 explain me this sentence (on th other hand it goes through the heart twice during each cycle in other vertebrates )pg 106 science reader cbse second last sentence

1 what is the diff bet arteries and veins 
2 explain me this sentence (on th other hand it goes through the heart twice during each cycle in other vertebrates )pg 106 science reader cbse second last sentence


4 Answers

Aarti Gupta
askIITians Faculty 300 Points
9 years ago
1.Arteries carry oxygenated blood,away from the heart except pulmonary artery.
2..These are mostly deeply situated in the body.
3.These are thick-walled, highly muscular.
4.These posses narrow lumen.
5.Valves are absent.
6.These are reddish in color.
7.Blood in arteries moves with pressure.
1.Veins carry deoxygenated blood,towards the heart except pulmonary veins.
2.These are superficial and deep in location.
3.These are thin-walled.
4.These posses wide lumen.
5.Valves are present which provide unidirectional flow of blood.
6.These are bluish in color.
7.Blood in veins moves under very low pressure.

Ans2) . Blood goes through the heart twice during each cycle in vertebrates like animals having three-chambered heart like frogs,lizards and those having four-chambered heart like mammals and birds.Such circulation is called as double circulation which can be understand as that there are two circuits for blood passing through the heart--
1.Pulmonary Circulation– Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs,and oxygenated blood returns to the heart from the lungs.
2. Systematic Circulation-- Oxygenated blood is pumped from the heart to the entire body including all the organs and then the deoxgenated blood returns to the heart as much of the oxygen has been supplied to the tissues.
Thus during one complete cycle of flow through the whole body,blood in a double circulatory system passes through the heart twice.

Jessica James
51 Points
9 years ago
Abishek arun
153 Points
9 years ago


  1. Arteries carry oxygenated blood, away from the heart except pulmonary artery
  2. These are mostly deeply situated in the body
  3. These are thick-walled, highly muscular except arteries of cranium and vertebral column
  4. These posses narrow lumen
  5. Valves are absent
  6. These are reddish in color
  7. These show spurty movement of blood giving pulse
  8. Blood in arteries moves with pressure
  9. Arteries empty up at the time of death
  10. If arterial wall is injured, the blood comes out like a ‘fountain’ in a large area all around the artery



  1. Veins carry deoxygenated blood, towards the heart except pulmonary veins
  2. These are superficial and deep in location
  3. These are thin-walled
  4. These posses wide lumen
  5. Valves are present which provide unidirectional flow of blood
  6. These are bluish in color
  7. These show sluggish movement of blood
  8. Blood in veins moves under very low pressure
  9. Veins get filled up at time of death
  10. If venous wall is injured, blood comes out, collects in a pool in a small area around vein
Aarti Gupta
askIITians Faculty 300 Points
9 years ago
Your welcome dear student.

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